Be prepared. Use swimsafe to check the current badges of each child. There is nothing worse than awarding a badge that they already have or worse, lower.
During the course of the last 6 weeks, you will have assessed their water skills level in order to complete their badges. So it should be a matter of crossing the i’s etc. Keep a written record.
This week is the opportunity to award distance badges from 5m to 100m
You will need an assistant or pull two groups together.
Beginners 5m
Swim with them, talk constantly, encouraging good technique. Gently rest your hand behind their hair and watch the face.
Tadpoles 10m & 25m (legs only on their backs)
Backstroke 50m (Backstroke) and 100m (25m basic front crawl first, then 75m backstroke)
Front crawl 100m (25m basic front crawl first, then 75m backstroke)