Entry/Welcome Song: If you’re happy and you know it
Exit/ Goodbye Song: Teddy bear, Teddy bear
Conditioning Songs:
- It’s raining, it’s pouring
- Heads, Shoulders, knees and toes
- Water Sprinkling
- I hear thunder
- I’m a Little Teapot
Movement Songs:
- Rock-a-Bye Baby
- Patter-a-cake
- Pop goes the Weasel
- Wind the bobbin up
- The Wheels on the bus
- 4 in the pool
- Dingle Dangle Scarecrow
- Hokey Cokey
- We’ll go swimming all together in the Pool (W)
- 5 Little Ducks Went Swimming One Day (W)
- Round and Round the swimming pool (W)
- Flying saucer song (W)
- Zoom. Zoom, Zoom (W)
- The Pirate Song (W)
- I’m a little turtle (W)
- 5 little fishes swimming in the sea (W)
- I’m a little Rocket Man (W)
- There’s a fishing at the bottom of the swimming pool (W)
- A sailor went to sea (W)
- I saw a ship a-sailing (W)
- (W = can be used for woggle/s swims)
Floating Songs
- I’m a Little Pancake
- Are you Floating?
- I’m a Little Starfish
- Twinkle Twinkle, Little Toes
Submersion Songs
- Ring -a- ring -a- roses (submerge and swim)
- Flying saucer song (submerge and swim / parent to edge)
- The Grand Old Duke of York ( submerge and swim / parent to edge)
- Zoom. Zoom. Zoom (steps to parent)
- I’m a little rocket man (steps to parent)
Jumping in Songs
- Humpty Dumpty
- Jelly on a plate
- 5 Fat Sausages
- 5 Little Speckled Frogs
- 5 Green Froggy’s sitting on the wall
- I’m a little penguin
Moving along the Rail Songs
- Incy Wincy Spider
- Animal Fair
- Monkey, Monkey