Pool safety

Each teacher will be qualified to the STA Level of rescue Test.

More importantly the teacher has responsibility for the safety and well being of the pupils.

Always place lane safety ropes in before the lesson starts and keep the teaching area clear of obstructions and trip hazards.

There are no lifeguards stood watching the pool.

However, there will be a senior teacher or manager on pool side during the busiest periods- 3.30pm-6pm and Saturday mornings – to cope with misplaced children, latecomers etc and to keep an extra pair of eyes, especially on the deep.

Often these responsibilities will fall to the dry teacher taking the highest level group, butterfly, in the deep section in the middle. If you have to leave your group for any reason, ensure the senior teacher has them covered.

Teachers will be enabling maximum practice time with the children while always able to see them. Working in waves and groups, the kids are engaged and productive.

One at a time swimming is reserved for private lessons.

With a group of nervous under five swimmers, this may not always be possible. In that case the teacher must take care to keep all the children in sight when escorting one at a time.