- Submerge to sit on the pool floor, humming bubbles from nose
- Swim one width basic backstroke
- Swim half a width using fly leg kick
- Demonstrate two continuous forward somersaults with a nose clip
- Submerge underwater with confidence in the deep end; feet first surface dive. (May use the bar to push down in the deep end)
- Float on back for 10 seconds (deep end)
- Swim one width backstroke with stiff arms.
- Demonstrate forward somersault without nose clip
- Swim one width any stroke without goggles
- Blow, blow, back and breath for one width
- Safe jump into the water, turn around and return to poolside (deep end)
- Swim one width across the deep end and climb out of the pool (deep end)
- Swim one width any stroke with T shirt
- Blow, blow, side and breath for 1 width (teacher support) with flippers
- Swim one width backstroke stiff arms, strong kick
- Demonstrate all elements of warm up correctly
- Demonstrate forward somersault and land feet on the wall
- Demonstrate head-first sculling for 1 width
- Pencil Jump into the water, float on back for 10 seconds and return to poolside (deep end)
- Swim 3 metres underwater, collecting two objects from the pool floor
- Demonstrate blow, blow, side and breath for one width
- Demonstrate forward somersault, land feet on the wall and push off.
- Attempt a straddle entry(deep end)
- In T shirt: Blind jump, swim one width across the deep end and climb out of the pool (deep end)
- Surface dive, showing pike at hips, legs in the air, and touch big hoop (deep end)
- Push, glide and forward somersault against the wall
- Swim 5m fly legs
- Straddle jump in clothes and swim across deep, no goggles
- Swim one width front crawl with good technique
- Tread water for 20 seconds(deep end)
- Swim through a hoop(deep end)
- Perform a Penguin dive into the pool, arms squeezing ears, hands pancake flat, hold position throughout until hands break the surface on recovery.