Otter Awards

Otter Diving Awards

All jumps and dives must be in the deep section

Otter Diving 1 (Backstroke)

  • Perform three dolphin dives
  • Perform a handstand
  • Perform a handstand then fall forward into a somersault. (Can wear a nose clip)
  • Somersault with a nose clip and teacher assistance
  • Somersault twice without stopping, with a nose clip and teacher assistance
  • Somersault once unaided, successfully blocking water from entering the nose.
  • Push and glide on front, hold streamline position for 5 seconds
  • Perform 3 jumps into the pool, to include blind jump and an attempt at a straddle, all in the deep section
  • Perform a kneeling dive (with teacher support )

Otter Diving 2 (Front crawl)

  • Push and glide on the surface, pike at hips into a handstand
  • Demonstrate correct head and arms position for a dive during a penguin
  • Perform a kneeling dive from two stacked floats
  • Push and glide into a somersault
  • Perform a push and glide on back with arms extending over head in the water – hold for three seconds
  • Perform a stiff leg standing dive with teacher assistance 
  • Perform a stiff leg standing dive unaided 
  • Perform 4 jumps into the pool, to include blind jump and  a straddle – legs spread, arms slapping water, all in the deep section

Otter Diving 3 (Breaststroke)

  • Submerge to crouch on the pool floor, spring upwards into a glide on the surface in the streamline position
  • Spring forwards into glide, pike and then into a handstand; hold in a stable upright position for 3 seconds
  • In the deep end: head first surface dive, pike at the hips and glide to pool floor, tuck and place both feet on the floor to spring back up
  • Demonstrate a back somersault with assistance and clip if needed
  • Perform a push dive, knees bent.
  • Perform a push dive over a woggle
  • Tuck jump, showing shins grabbed during flight 
  • Perform 5 jumps into the pool, including a straddle, all in the deep section

Otter Diving 4 (Butterfly & beyond)

  • Demonstrate a back somersault
  • Recover an object from the bottom of the pool using both hands, tuck, place feet on the pool bottom and jump up
  • Perform a push dive over a woggle from the diving block
  • Perform a racing dive with transition into front crawl
  • Perform a racing dive from the starting block
  • Show a tuck jump, using the block. Hands start and finish grabbed. Arms and legs start and finish straight.
  • Execute a successful straddle jump.
  • Demonstrate a correct hands grabbed diving entry
  • Show a forward and backward roll into the pool
  • Perform  a straddle jump, keeping the head from submerging