The surface to the main pool is in need of repair and will receive a new liner between August 4th and August 18th. The small pool has a leak so will be repaired during the same time. To make life easier for you there will be no direct debit payments in August.
You can still swim though.
The plan is to freshen up the pools ready for a busy September while allowing all our customers continued access when we can.
Members on direct debit contracts can swim free August 1st -3rd and then again at the end of August, during Member only Family Swimming Sessions.
Adult Lane direct debit customers can still use their swipe cards in August whenever we are open, free of charge, at their designated sessions. The evening sessions will start and finish earlier. Customers that pay as they swim can also use these lane swimming times.
Babies & toddlers are encouraged to “swipe & swim” with a parent at their normal times in the small pool. School age swimmers will have the main pool designated times to bring the family for a swim, again free of charge. A lifeguard will be present, but no teachers.
The reception will be staffed throughout August to keep you up to date with the refurbishment. They will do their best to keep any changes updated on the website timetable. At the moment, we have accurate times up until August 20th.
Check the website for exact times.
The original pool is 44 years old, so when we take the water and ceilings out, we have to plan for the unexpected. If all goes well and there are further remedial works, the pools will have water in from August 20th.
The last time that we replaced the liner was 2006. Pictures are here
There will then be additional lane swimming, family sessions and baby splash times published.
Lessons will restart from Saturday September 1st and the pool will be open as normal from then onwards. Direct debit payments will resume on Monday September 3rd 2018.
Christmas closure will be Saturday 22nd 3.30pm , reopen Wednesday 2nd January 2019. If you are missing lessons then, make ups can be arranged from September 1st.