Lane swimming & Aquafit

It is with regret that we are withdrawing several time slots for Adult Lane Swimming:

From March 1st 2017 the following times will be withdrawn.

Monday 7 – 8pm, Tuesday 7-8pm and Wednesday 6 – 7pm

The pressure on pool space has become intense and we now have nearly 400 children on our waiting lists.

The main teaching times between 3.30 and 6.00 have become so crowded that we need to relieve that pressure and spread out the teaching times.

Aquafit on a Thursday 7-8 has also been withdrawn for similar reasons.

However, the Tuesday night 8-9 sessions with AJ has been reprieved for the moment.

The decision will be reviewed in a few months after we have had a chance to monitor its popularity.

The price for individual adult swims will increase on April 1st (£4.40 & £3.75) but the monthly direct debit (£25.00) will remain the same.
