Lesson Plan – 9 months – 18 months week 2

Entry: ‘If your happy and you know it’

Front and Back Swim – Song: Busy Bee

Open safety Hold or Front swim position and roll over.

Conditioning: Make a flower with woggles and rings.  

  • Jump baby in/ out of flower for fun! 
  • Use watering cans to water flowers. 
  • Cue baby (Name, Ready, Go!) and water baby. X2 Check happiness.

Submersions: Correct practices for age, ability and experience – Cue baby to submerge in and out of flower petals.  Can add jumps.

Swim Game – In Safety Hold and one woggle. Collecting colour toys back to the right colour woggle on the side.

Climbing out, Jumping in and Holding on to the Edge – At the side of the pool – ‘4 little speckled frogs’.  Progressing more into the water each time. x3

Monkey, Monkey – Around to the other side of pool- Monkey monkey to the steps then crocodile along on front. Climb out and jump in.

Back – Holding toys on one side – “Can you help get toys from one side to the other on your tummy?”  – use the woggles and colours again.

Playtime  – With toys and big mats.

Exit: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear