Welcome and Entry – Song: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’
Front Swim
Front swim position and on 1 small woggle. Song – ‘5 little ducks went swimming one day’ with Duck.
Conditioning –
- Bubbles and Collect hoops on the steps
- Song: ‘It’s raining, it’s pouring’
- Parent and baby take turns watering. Using CUE
Submersion – In a circle – Submerge towards the middle. x1 Balls pop up from underwater! Submerge to a ball. x2
Front swim – Goals at the end. Following the ball. Paddling arms to one end. Then flip over to supported back float and Kick the ball to the other goal.
(Tidy balls away)
Jumping in, Hold on, Climbing out
Song – Jelly on a plate
Sitting on the big mat, song, then cue ‘falls in’ and swim to parent. X1
Climb up on mat in small groups – Tip off at the end x1
Move to the side – Practice climbing out – Elbow, Tummy, Knee.
Standing up jumps – Cue and encourage hold hands/ independent jump in x 2-3
Monkey, Monkey
Song – ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ – Moving along the bar and edge to collect a toy from the box.
Back floats
Hold toy on tummy – Fast zooming! x2
Then in a space in the water – Flying saucer song x2
Playtime – Free Playwith toys. 1 small woggle on.
Exit – Song: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear