Lesson plan 18 Months +week 6

Welcome and Entry – Song: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’

Front/ BackSwim 

Front swim position and on 1 small woggle. Song – ‘5 little ducks went swimming one day’ with Duck. Front swims then back swims holding woggle at chest.

Conditioning & Jumps with Submersion– 

  • Swim to the end of the pool and have a shower. Cue practice.
  • Swim away practising kicking and paddling
  • Climb out and jump in submerging.

Swim game

Put the right colour toys back in the boxes or woggle on the side.

Submersion – To the edge and hold on (5 seconds) Finding a toy.

Take toy to the steps. Adult puts toy on the other side. Children launch in and swim over to collect toy.

Big mat – Jumping in, Hold on, Climbing out 

Song – Jelly on a plate 

Sitting on the big mat, song, then cue ‘falls in’ and swim to parent.

Monkey, Monkey

Song – ‘Incy wincy spider’ – Moving along the bar and edge to collect a toy from the box.

Jumping in – Move to the side – Practice climbing out – Elbow, Tummy, Knee.

Standing up jumps – Cue and encourage hold hands/ independent jump in x 2-3

Back floats

Hold toy on tummy. One side to the other. Push with feet off the wall. Countdown –  Fast zooming! Song – Zoom, zoom, zoom.  x3-4

Playtime – Free Playwith toys. 1 small woggle on.

Exit –  Song: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear