Lesson Plan 18 Months + week 3

Entry: ‘If your happy and you know it’

Swim: Front & Back – ‘I saw a ship a sailing’

Swim and Conditioning: Woggle boat. Sail around on boats ‘Row row row the boat’

Sail under the tunnel.

Move along the rail & submerge and swim to adult– Travel to boat launching area (steps) launch in like a boat setting sail

Climbing out, Jumping in and Holding on to the Edge – At the side of the pool – ‘4 little speckled frogs’.  Progression on the 3rd Jump.

Back – Song: Pirate Song. Swishing side to side front and back, and back floats / swims.

Submersion and water awareness – On surfboards. Song ‘Jelly on a plate.’ Fall in off surfboard and swim to parent or the edge/steps.

Playtime – Toys in the water.  Practising walking.

Exit – Teddy bear song and high five