
Spider and hoops, bucket, balls, noodles, watering can

Activity PracticesTeaching PointsOrganisation
Splash hands, have a shower, bubbles, splash toes, jump up and down and then swim around pool.
Rainbow paddle, kick around the pool when they get to the rainbow name ready go pour water onto child face 2nd time name ready go under the water.
Paddle, kick
Name ready go
Around the pool 
Front swim 
Swimming to the balls in the water and put them into the halloween pots. 
Paddle, paddle, kick, kickSwimming around the pool.
Jumps3 little ghost jumping on the bed x3 
Count to 5, elbow, elbow, tummy, knees, turn around to face me.
Jumping side.
Back swim 
Put hoops on the side and child swim over collects hoops swims back over and places the hoop onto the spider legs.
Ears in the water
Kick, kick, kick
 Up and down the pool.
Rotation3 little witches went flying one day, over the moon and far away. Mummy witch said ha ha ha ha and all went flying on their backs roll over x 2 
Paddle, paddle, kick, kick. Roll over when we say Ears in the water kick, kick, kick 3,2,1 roll back over
Swimming around pool.
Play time
 4 minutes
Goodbye songTEDDY BEAR
On the spot.