Games and Activity Ideas

Numbers and Counting games –

While floating

While swimming

Counting down and “Ready Go!”

Counting things in the pool

Collect the correct number of toys

Pirate theme –

Collecting treasure in the pool.

Collecting treasure from the Edge.

Retrieving treasure from under the water -steps or floor.

Pirate Boats – surfboards, woggles

Pirate Ships – Big float

Find the Pirates Pet – Toy animals

Walk the plank – Big float or surfboards and ‘fall in’

Ball games –

Game of Mini waterpolo

Game Mini football

Kick a small ball on back. (woggle goals)

Play pushing ball to each other in a circle.

Push the ball under and Pop it up making splashes (mind faces)

Chase a small ball on front – Pushing ball with hands, nose and head.

Turning side to side to pass balls around in a circle.

All chasing one big ball.

Collecting and Sorting toys – Find a certain Toy, Colour, Shapes,

Towers/Walls/Houses – Make with brick/floats/biscuits on the side.

Go on journeys – shops, park, zoo, farm, etc – with toys, on boats, or swimming.

Mr Crocodile story –

5 little fishes swimming in the sea

teasing Mr Crocodile

you cant catch me…

along came Mr Crocodile as quietly as can be

and…..SNAP, SNAP, SNAP (swim away fast!)

Woggles –

Making Rainbows, Jungles, Bridges or Tunnels at the sides of the pool.- Push one end of woggle through bar.

Make a rainbow bridge at the steps end encourage swim through from steps or to steps.

Teacher holds the woggle and make a rainbow bridge in the pool anywhere in the pool.

Using a watering can, make it a rainy rainbow!

Bend woggle into the bar both ends making goals

Put one end of woggles through big float with holes in – again to make bridges/trees or animal i.e. Octopus . Parents and baby’s swim through, hold on to legs or sit on big float with support.

Put both ends of woggles through big float with holes in – make a pirate ship/castle/home – toddlers can climb in through woggle and sitting jump/launch back in.

Use sinking rings to connect woggles to make shapes i.e. flower, circle.

Big Float –

Hold the float edge

Sit on Big Float (with support if needed)

Move the float around a circle (parents walk around with baby’s)

Wobble the Float

Encouraging jump in/ launch forward towards water surface.

Encouraging jump in and swim to parent/side or back to mat.

Baby lays on their front – Tummy time to help neck strength. Socializing on mat.  Reach for a toy. Kicking practice. Parent creates puddles of water for baby.

Baby lays on their back – Relaxing and enjoying being on back. Kicking practices. Parent creates puddles of water for baby.

Bend float against the side of the pool creating a tunnel for parents and babies to swim through.

Pirate Ship – Collecting treasure – toys/sinkers

Put one end of woggles through big float with holes in – again to make bridges/trees or animal I.e octopus . Parents and baby’s swim through, hold on to legs or sit on big float with support.

Individual Boats – Frogs, Fish or Speedboat.

Push boat forward.

Hold on to the edge.

Collect toys on boat.

Parent supports baby/toddler lying on their back on the boat – good for young babies and older willing babies/toddlers.

Parent supports baby/toddler lying with their tummy on the speedboat legs in the water encouraging kicking. Older babies and toddlers need balance support and directional increasing independence.

Sit on boat with parents help.

Launch from steps on individual boat.