Welcome and Entry – Song: ‘If you’re happy and you know it’
Front/ BackSwim
Front swim position and then on 1 small woggle. Song – ‘5 little ducks went swimming one day’. Add duck to chase.
Conditioning –
- Through rainy tunnel with duck.
Submersion – Swim around the pool and under rainy tunnel ‘dolphin dive’ x2
- On the steps, launch to parent x3
- On the steps swap duck for sinkers – collect sinkers encourage breath hold and bubbles.
Front swim – Seat holds and throws. Encourage arms actions. Then flip flop over to seated position and kick. Song: ‘5 little fishes’
Submersion – To the edge and hold on (5 seconds)
Jumping in, Hold on, Climbing out
Song – Jelly on a plate
Sitting on the big mat, song, then cue ‘falls in’ and swim to parent. x2
Climb up on mat in small groups – Tip off at the end x1
Move to the side – Practice climbing out – Elbow, Tummy, Knee.
Standing up jumps – Cue and encourage hold hands/ independent jump in x2
Monkey, Monkey
Moving along the edge to collect a toy from the box. Add song.
Back floats
Hold toy on tummy. One side to the other – Fast zooming! x1-2
Then in a space in the water – Flying saucer song x2
Playtime – Free Playwith toys. 1 small woggle on.
Exit – Song: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear